Sabtu, 22 November 2008
What an Art!!!
This is quite AMAZING!! Check it out!!
Almost Freaky i know, but he's totally BRILLIANT!!
Don Mueck is a London-based photo-realist artist. Born in Melbourne, Australia, to parents who were toy makers, he laboured on children's television shows for 15 years before working in special effects for such films as "Labyrinth", a 1986 fantasy epic starring David Bowie.
Eventually Mueck concluded that photography pretty much destroys the physical presence of the original object, and so he turned to fine art and sculpture, in the early 1990's, still in his advertising days, Mueck was commissioned to make something highly realistic and was wondering what material would do the trick.
Xlatex was the usual, but he wanted something harder,more precise. Luckily, he saw a little architectural decor on the wall of the boutique and inquired as to the nice, pink stuff's nature. Fiberglass resin was the answer, and Mueck has made it his bronze and marble ever since.
His work is lifelike but not life size, and being face to face with the tiny, gossiping Two Women (2005) or the monumental Women in Bed (2005) is an unforgettable experience
Kereeeen yaaaa.... kebayang ga si lo gimana cara buatnya dan perlu waktu brapa lama buat bikin kaya beginii???
Leve your comment pleaaseee... heheee.. :)
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19 komentar:
Gambarnya gk nongol trix.
Tapi pernah liat gw, yang pahatan orang2 gede2 aneh itu bukan? Keren tapi gila tuh yang bikin
kalo skarang bisa kebuka ga an gambar gw??
sip deh. nah skrg lo komen blog gw yaw! hahahaha
Masih gk nongol trix
lah.. kok kalo gw yg buka nongol yah??
ah jd bingung..
ohh, itu soalnya kan sumber gambarnya dari account windows live lo. Jadi cuma lo doang yang bisa liat, soalnya lo doang yang bisa login. Tinggal dipindah tempat hosting gambarnya aja trix.
gambarnya mana
Niiihhh... skarang dijamin gambarnya ada!!!! hohohoho..
ciyeah, udah nongol
Trixieee, ini lucu bgt deeeh :)
okeee trixie gw udah komen , lo balik komen ya
gue penasaran bgt pgn liat, tapi serem hiiiiiiiii.
kalo buatnya sih yg jelas lama, susah pula
eh mampus bgt kerennya ciiii! tapi gw takut ah kalo ada yang bikin versi muka gw (emg ada yang mau bikin) hihi
Wah yg ini patung ato foto para korban mutilasinya Ryan?
sumpaaah yaaa ..
KEREN BGT! gw mau bikin mukanya KHEYDOT ma V-JAY ahhh.. huahahahahaa
parah bgt lo ping..cwo2 laen ga sekalian??haha
wow, what an art!!!
bisa bikin muka gw jg ga??huehehehe
Hoalah ternyata kamu blogger juga toh .
Hehe main2 ke blog gue donggg beb .
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